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Deadwood, South Dakota
“Deadwood has survived three major fires and numerous economic hardships, pushing it to the verge of becoming another Old West ghost town. But in 1989 limited-wage gambling was legalized and Deadwood was reborn.
Today, the town is booming once again. You’ll find modern-day casinos, resort hotels, full-service spas, big name concerts, and some of the best parties in the entire United States. Come walk in the footsteps of our legends and make history in Deadwood. We’ve been entertaining guests since 1876.”
There are currently 93 active short-term (* rentals in Eureka Springs
There are approximately 45 hotels or bed and breakfasts (* in Deadwood, South Dakota
There are approximately 58 restaurants (*Yelp) servicing downtown Deadwood, South Dakota
Population 1,156 Total Population in Deadwood, South Dakota (Census)
Children 9.1% +/- 3.9% Under 18 years old in Deadwood, South Dakota (Census)
Housing $593 +/- $58 Median Gross Rent in Eureka Springs city, Arkansas (Census)
Housing Units 1,439 Total Housing Units in Eureka Springs city, Arkansas (Census)